Example Instances of the TScore Project Infrastructure
TScore is a novel data format (and its Java-based implementation) which allows to directly write down time-related data models. It is intended for a fast, easily readable, and compact representation of very different kinds of music data. But it is also applicable to any other kind of time-related data, like cue lists, stage light and effect control, synthesizer parameter curves, etc.
It follows the paradigm of conventional multi-voice music notation: Time flows from left to right, possibly broken into "staves"---voices and their parameter tracks are stacked vertically.
TScore is a meta-meta-model. It is a toolkit which allows with very few lines of code to construct a meta-model to define the syntax and the semantics of the input format which fits best a particular modelling project:
The following examples show the wide range of applications.
Please note that only few pages (or even lines) of code are necessary to
adopt TScore to the very different meta-models.
For opening the Java and Tscore source files choose any text editor.
For understanding the TScore files they must be presented with a fixed size / teletype font
and with sufficient width of the editor window.
Our latest finished project re-models Morton Feldman Projections 1--5.. Our digital model allowed automated graphical rendering, statistical analyses, and even automated execution.
Most recent (just started and ongoing) project is the tool support for "TabStaff+", a notation for "Tangible User Interfaces", defined by White and Wilde (2024) and presented on the Tenor 24 Conference in Zürich, proceedings pg 159--168:
A very tiny but successfully finished project is an application to German Lute Tablature. (Inspired by a talk by Reinier de Valk on the TEIMEC 2023 conference in Paderborn)
The currently ongoing of the bigger applications is a the modeling of Johann Sebastian Bachs Die Kunst der Fuge. It is not yet complete (ornaments are missing; canons etc. are not yet expanded), but is already employed for rendering (to lilypond), automated analysis, and sound synthesis.
Here is the rendered output (thanx to lilypond): kdf.pdf.
Here follow the tscore source text. As always, you need a monospace font. And here you
need at approx. 120 screen columns (best use emacs!-)
(We follow the Gräser edition, but drop his dubious "Cp XVII for two cembali".)
The implementation is still under development but already allows to play some of the fugues, with the synthi controlled by the user.
Our intention is to apply automated analysis and search for symmetric chords, seperately in sound and notation. This will be easy thanks to the clean separation of the different layers of notation and meaning.
Characteristic examples for the wide applicabity of TScore are our
early animated graphics.
For viewing them, you
need a browser which supports SVG graphic rendering together with SMIL animation.
(Firefox works fine, microsoft often lousy!-)
Soon after the display of one of the graphics below has started,
there should be some changes. Otherwise you need different equipment.
(scharen0_PARS_p00.svg is an exception, nothing happens until the very end !-)
A small application from 2017 is a project called GraphartScharen, first ideas of which had been developed in the 1980s, together with Dirk Reith.
There is
one(1) single source file,
from which the following fifteen (15) dynamic graphic files have been generated.
The Java source defining the semantics is
Each graphic lasts approx. 25 seconds. At its end, a link to the next graphic will appear.
When having a first look, it is crucial to do so in ascending numerical order and start with
The following scores show the compelling necessity of the TScore approach: The graphics are part of a composition of my colleague Mathias Wittekopf, and he constructed them with interactive tools, by clicking and dragging. THus a readable score never existed and could not exist, until I re-constructed his inputs as a birthday present.
Mathias Wittekopf Vorübergehende Zustände for Voice, Piano and Projection. Movement 1 "Clock Music 1" (Hans Arp):
Mathias Wittekopf Vorübergehende Zustände for Voice, Piano and Projection. Movement 8 "Ricercata" (T.S. Eliott):
Early simple experiment on abstract moving forms:
(All realization by ML)
There is one single Java application for all three examples at http://bandm.eu/metatools/download/MfMain.jar. It requires either the input file as command line parameter or lets it select interactively. FIXME FEHLT !
A "pedagogic" use case: graphic presentation of fugue form disposition. Thematic and counter point material is input by code language, and this is translated into some block graphics. The time axis contains bar numbers.
Example source:
PARS KdF_VII T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 VOX sop Du X 3 X % VOX alt Cu/2 X C/2 X VOX ten D/2 1 X D/2> X 3 X D/2u X VOX bas C*2u % // eof |
The result:
And the Java source defining the score's semantics.
The most ambitious field of application is probably CWN in general. For this, we are currently developing an extensive computer model, into which the tscore input is translated. It is currently far from complete, but already quite large, so this section does not come with Java sources, which shall be presented later on their own, with proper documentation.
As a first example: here is a three-part fugue as tscore source and here the LilyPond rendering of the generated source text.
Here you can find the tscore user doc (It is still under construction !-)
Here is a short feature list of tscore, and here dasselbe in Deutsch.
Here a the slides of recent talk about tscore.
and tscore: Makes Computers and Humans Talk About Time in: Proc. KEOD 2013, 5th Int. Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pg.176-183, and (edts.) Instincc, Portugal, 2013 ISBN 978-989-8565-81-5 http://bandm.eu/metatools/docs/papers/tscore2013.pdf This text has been presented on the KEOD 2013 conference, here are the slides. |
and tscore: Makes Computers and Humans Talk About Time in: Sound und Performance, 11. Kongress der Ges.f. Theaterwissenschaft, Bayreuth, 2012 http://markuslepper.eu/papers/sound2012_lepper_trancon_slides.pdf Our topic was quite exotic in this conference's context, which was about theatre and performance (where our project is aiming at!) It was a very fruitful exchange and a nice conference, but they didn't want us for the post-proceedings, so the link above is for the SLIDES. |
de Linguis Musicam Notare epOs, Osnabrück, 2021 ISBN 978-3-94025-88-4 |
and Morton Feldman’s “Projections One to Five” – Exploring a Classical Avant-Garde Notation by Mathematical Remodelling and Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) in: Proceedings of the TENOR 2024 Conference, pg.121--132, Zürich, 2024 http://www.tenor-conference.org/proceedings/2024/15_TENOR2024_Lepper.pdf |
and Ain schone kunstliche Underweisung”: Modelling German lute tablature in MEI Paderborn, 2023 [20231223] (talk on the ``Encoding Cultures---Joint MEC TEI conference 2023) |
and TABstaff+: A Hybrid Music Notation System for Grid-Based Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) and Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) in: Proceedings of the TENOR 2024 Conference, pg.159--168, Zürich, 2024 http://www.tenor-conference.org/proceedings/2024/19_TENOR2024_Wilde.pdf |
Handbuch der Notationskunde, Teil zwei Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1919 http://ia800205.us.archive.org/3/items/handbuchdernotat02wolf/handbuchdernotat02wolf.pdf |
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